Recycled Denim Insulation vs. Traditional Insulation

September 15, 2022

Insulation has come a long way since it was first introduced. The problem is that traditional insulation can often be incredibly wasteful and harmful to the environment. Nowadays, recycled denim insulation has gained popularity due to its sustainable nature. In this article, we'll compare both types of insulation based on three factors: thermal resistance, cost, and eco-friendliness.

Thermal Resistance

Thermal resistance, usually measured in R-value, is the ability of an insulator to resist heat flow. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation. Both traditional and recycled denim insulation are effective in this regard. In fact, recycled denim insulation has a slightly higher R-value than traditional insulation.

Insulation Type R-value per inch
Recycled Denim Insulation 3.5 - 3.7
Traditional Insulation 3.1 - 3.3

As you can see, recycled denim insulation is slightly better at thermal resistance.


Cost is an important factor to consider when choosing insulation. Generally speaking, traditional insulation is cheaper than recycled denim insulation. The cost difference can vary depending on the area you live in, but on average, recycled denim insulation can be up to 20% more expensive than traditional insulation.

Insulation Type Cost per Sq. Ft.
Recycled Denim Insulation $0.60 - $1.00
Traditional Insulation $0.50 - $0.80

However, it's important to keep in mind that the cost of materials is not the only cost to consider. Long-term savings from lower energy bills can help offset the initial cost of insulation.


This is where recycled denim insulation really shines. Made from old denim clothing, this type of insulation is incredibly eco-friendly. In fact, recycled denim insulation can save tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional insulation. Additionally, traditional insulation is often made from harmful chemicals and non-renewable resources, making it less eco-friendly.

Insulation Type Eco-Friendly Rating
Recycled Denim Insulation 5/5
Traditional Insulation 2/5

As you can see, recycled denim insulation is a much better option if you're looking for an eco-friendly insulation solution.


After considering the three factors, it's clear that recycled denim insulation is the better choice for those who want eco-friendliness, good thermal resistance, and an overall better end product. However, cost may be a concern for some, making traditional insulation a viable option. Ultimately, it depends on your priorities and what you're looking for in an insulation solution.


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